Get Paid In Ethereum For My App’s Referrals — (Any Check Out My New Project Prospero)
Update 2020: Coinflash is no more. I now have a new crypto investing app called Prospero. Prospero is gamified DEFI and cryptocurrency investing.
Please visit the link and check it out. I would love to hear what you think about it.
When I launched my app, I experimented with a referral program that rewards users 3 months free for referring someone, learned this from Instacart and Coinbase. I hooked my brother on Instacart using their referral link, to this day it turns out to be the only referral program I’ve ever used, app saves me soo much time.
I was told I should expect 1% of users to use referrals in my app. As of today, it turns out to be more like 5%. This excited me because I wanted an excuse to use cryptocurrency for something it’s really good at, rewarding community engagement. Now when you refer someone you get paid in Ethereum. The more you refer, the more you make directly proportionate to the pot that month, first month is $100.
Maybe revenue from referrals can go back into the pot, the more you refer? The bigger the pot gets, the more the referrers gets and on, haha. That’s later if people dig this program.
Me and Josiah Evans, a solidity programmer, teamed up on this and by that I mean he did all of the Web3J coding. I asked him why did he decide to go with Web3J over the Coinbase API to transfer cryptocurrency.
If you want to track the blood through the veins, here’s the etherescan page for it.
The top feature requests last month were:
-International Support
-Where’s the app?
-Ability to add multiple banks and enable/disable accounts.
-Altcoin integration.
iOS app is on deck, just got it into Testflight if you want to try it out, tweet at me. Feedback would be awesome!
Multiple banks and multiple accounts.
These are the mockups for Altcoin integration.